After a slow emergence from a record breaking cold winter in the New England, April came and went with little signs of emerging leaves, skunk cabbage or anything to indicate that the next ice age had not arrived. We waited day by day as temperatures remained in the 40s and 50s and barely pushed up into the 60's, But then it magically started to happen!!. Temperatures pushed very quickly into the 70s and 80s and remained there. We rejoiced and gave our joyous Amens! With the warming temperatures there came up from the dead leaves of Winter and the dried branches and twigs, new life which appeared and burst forth with the sounds of trumpets blasting.
This was the first spring for me at my new home and every day has been truly another miracle as I find new flowers and plants I didn't even know existed being birthed from barren ground of winter.
Below are some of the lovely flowers and plants that have been appearing in and around my backyard garden paradise.